
My Story: Not scripted

When "Vix" goes into the classroom and starts to draw, you see her drawing a Musketeer, Knight and Pirate. Something in the background makes her jump (perhaps a roar from Natalie's proposed saber tooth tiger) and she drops her book.

Unfortunately, now the Pirate has come to life and climbs from under the table. Looking at "Vix" she is now dressed as a pirate too, and they have a sword battle. Eventually "Vix" yells out "You look like a monkey in a Negligé!"* and the Pirate is defeated. However, reaching under the table he pulls from her paper pad the Musketeer!

The haughty Musketeer pings his moustache and battles with "Vix" who is now in full Muskateer regalia. Stopping to mock her with his pride "Vix" quickly raises her sword and whips off his moustache. Defeated now too the Musketeer decides it's time for the "big guns" and reaches to pull up the Knight.

The Knight, a character exuding power, is silent and "Vix" now in Knight regalia is ready to battle. A cut to either Natalie or E-Ling's story is required here so that when it cuts back "Vix" is standing with one leg on the fallen, defeated Knight drinking orange juice. The Muskateer and Pirate are in awe.

The lecturer can now enter and the story be completed.

*This is an insult from the sword fights of my favourite game series- Monkey Island. A tribute to it's might, if you will.

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