
"Vix": character info and designs

"Vix" as a character is slightly simple in both design and personality. My favoured stlye has always been to make things cute.

In the animatic "Vix" must draw in her papaer pad. She must not be un-nerved by the threats of any of her three foes. She must not recognise any of Natalie or E-Ling's story overlapping with much attention. She must defeat all three foes in simple ways. Her costume changes automatically when each new foe arrives. She may talk, but not overly.

In her orignal form she wears a green top and green skirt. She has long brown hair. I have omitted the glasses I wear in real life as they detract from the character in my eyes. In her Musketeer form she has a moustache, boots, hat with plummage, sword, the lot. She keeps her top and skirt on under her new coat though. The same applies when she is a pirate with the outfit only changing colour and style slightly and an eye patch being added with the moustache being removed. As a Knight her green top becomes white with the symbol of the Knights Templar. She also gains a helmet. The Knight is the simplest costume.


"Vix" ideas for original costume

From left, "Vix" as a Musketeer, Knight and Pirate respectively

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