
The Foes: character info and design ideas

Pirate: The Pirate is a scruffy character with a simpler, more humble costume that "Vix" when she is in Pirate form. This character must be defeated by "Vix" and must only be capable of saying stereotypical Pirate sayings such as "Yargh" and "Avast".

Musketeer: The Muskateer must be more decadent in costume than the Pirate. He is to be a stereotypical French Man. He must only say noises such as "hoh-hoh-hoh!". He must be immensely proud of himself and his moustache, in a way that makes him seem cocky. His costume can be more decadent than that of "Vix" in Musketeer form, but this does not have to be the case.

Knight: The Knight is harder to design in a way that keeps the character simple in style but powerful looking. He must have no part of his body exposed, covering himself completely in chain mail, metal and cloth. He must be completely silent to emphasise his power. Below is a basic idea that I am not satisfied with.

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