
Script: My Block

Vix’s Block: The Mighty Battle

Opening scene where Natalie, Vix and E-Ling arrive in class

Vix walks to her desk, sits, and starts to draw in the paper pad she was holding. A Pirate, Knight and Musketeer can be seen on the page. She is rather focussed scribbling away with her tongue sticking out in concentration.

Something makes her jump and she drops the pad on the floor. As she reaches to get it, the Pirate she was drawing pops out from under the table.

Vix: Eh?!

The camera is on the Pirate who readies his sword.

The camera now shows both of them, Vix who is now dressed as a Pirate too and readying her own sword.

Pirate: Yaaaar!

Vix: Yaaaaaaaaaaar!

They fight, hopping back and forwards, their swords clanging, for a small amount of time when suddenly the Pirate leers. Vix suddenly smiles victoriously.

Vix: You look like a monkey…. In a negligé!

Pirate: Yaaaaaargh!!!

Vix flicks his sword out his hand and he is defeated. The camera on him, sulkily he reaches under the table and pulls out a Musketeer!

The Musketeer pings his moustache and is standing posing with his sword tip on the ground.

Musketeer: Hoh-hoh-hoh!

The camera includes both of them now, Vix now dressed in Musketeer regalia, readying her sword.

Vix: Indeed! En garde!

They too have a sword fight. It last slightly longer.

Possible cut

They are still fighting. Vix is looking annoyed and slightly out of breath. The Musketeer poses again, pings his moustache and laughs at her weakness.

Musketeer: Hoh-hoh-hoh-hoh!

Vix glares at him, and then with one sweep of her sword she takes his moustache clean off. The Musketeer looks stunned and then devastated as he hangs his head in defeat.

The camera is on him now. Resigned, he reaches under the table and pulls out the Knight.

The camera shows only the Knight, who is silent and powerful. The camera then shows both of them, Vix who looks irritated. She is dressed now as a Knight too.

Vix: Another…?!

Cut required

The camera now shoes Vix with one foot on the fallen, defeated Knight, drinking orange juice with her helmet under her arm. The Musketeer and Pirate are marvelling at the Knight, who should have beaten her.

End scene where the Lecturer arrives

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