
Differing styles

As we are each drawing our own parts of the animation there have been concerns over what the animatic will look like flicking between our differing styles. We thought briefly of how to split it into three parts but we could only come up with background and characters, and as each of us wants to draw for it, this was deemed no good.

However, I wonder, if the characters are drawing and the plot is based on their drawings, then perhaps differing styles between each character could be beneficial? Each style could be the style of that character in the animatic. A way to show this could perhaps be to have one completely different style used on all the characters as they enter the class before drawing. Stick figures that transform once the character starts to scribble would show this, and could work quite nicely if done right. This would also add more meaning to their drawings before the pictures they draw come to life, rather than just having some new characters pop out the paper for not much reason.

EDIT (04/03/08)- I suggested this to Natalie and E-Ling this morning and all of us think this is a good idea. It will be used to explain the differing styles.

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